Online Tailor - Custom Stitching

Customize Your First Dress

Send us the pic of your design along with complete size measurements thru email/whatsapp and get your desired dress at your home 

Please send us your following details with respect to your desired dressing

  1. Neck
  2. Shoulder
  3. Chest
  4. Arm length
  5. Belly
  6. Hip

  1. abc
  2. abc
  3. abc
  4. abc
  5. abc

  1. abc
  2. abc
  3. abc
  4. abc
  5. abc

  1. Neck
  2. Shoulder
  3. Chest
  4. Belly
  5. Hip

  1. Neck
  2. Shoulder
  3. Chest
  4. Belly
  5. Hip
  6. Shairwani Length

Shalwar Kameez /KurtaPajama:
  1. Neck
  2. Shoulder
  3. Chest
  4. Arm length
  5. Kameez Length
  6. Belly
  7. Hip
  8. Bottom Length
  9. Pancha

Note: Design will be 100% same while slight variation in color is possible.

Call/Whatsapp: 00923217571740

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9 Style Tips For Young Men | Clothing and Fashion Advice

Too many young men are starting their professional lives without a clue as to how to dress.

This needs to change.

Young men are the future leaders of society, and dressing sharp is the first step towards becoming a professional.

Let me clear.

Clothing does not make the man……however.

The right clothing can give a young man precious seconds to make his case and influence others.

A young lawyer, consultant, medical professional, or salesman needs to understand this.

That being said – it’s important to note that it is worth paying attention to your clothing as a young man even if you’re working in a field without strict dress codes.

Tradesmen, welders, carpenters, and construction workers. Our clothing still matters as it introduces us and tells our story before we open our mouth.

Crisp, clean, and well fitted clothing – wherever you are at in the world – encourages others to take you more seriously.